Team Member

Event Organiser 

Caroline Cary

I will be helping in organising and facilitating events for Sacha for Conservation Without Borders.

Caroline Cary

Why is this important?

This role aligns with my passion for bringing people together and networking for impactful projects and charities. Witnessing Sacha's work and the accomplishments of CWB has inspired me, and I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute alongside them, supported by the Don Hanson Charitable Foundation.

What migratory species inspires me?

I am captivated by swans - their graceful presence, long necks, and majestic gliding. My involvement in supporting the film made of this incredible journey of the Bewick swans, particularly through Sacha Dench's paramotor expedition spanning 7,000 kilometres and 11 countries, is deeply inspiring. The beauty of the swans and the meaningful cause behind the project, as portrayed in the film, motivated my initial engagement.

Why the photo?

This photo was taken during a family photoshoot with our animals. It holds sentimental value as it reflects the cherished moments spent together.


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