Team Member

Creative Director 

Kathleen Retourné

I use my background in journalism and social outreach to create unique content to engage the public to follow CWB causes and learn about migratory wildlife. CWB communications follow different species  unique trials and tribulations – both in terms of human wildlife conflict and environmental issues – they undertake on their journeys. While also celebrating and highlighting organisations and individuals who try and help both wildlife and the environment using innovative solutions to complex problems.

Kathleen Retourné

Why is this important?

Spreading awareness of the different aspects of conservation is vital to inspiring others to take up the cause. When I first started working in conservation communications, my focus was on the wildlife. I very quickly realised, however, that for conservation to work, communities need to be involved. In this role, I want to create content that motivates others to stand-up and make a difference to create positive change.   

What migratory species inspires me?

As a young child, the blue whale was my first introduction to the impact humans could have on the environment and how it affects wildlife. I love how whales sing to each other as they migrate (hopefully better than I sing on road trips!) and it is thought that the song changes depending on migration patterns. Plus, they are huge storages of carbon and also help to fertilise the oceans.

Why the photo?

This photo was taken on a trip to Botswana. We were in the water watching elephants and hippos interact in nature. Africa completely changed my life’s trajectory and I have been raising awareness of conservation issues ever since.  


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